Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 341

Day 341- A Sleepy Photo

Today I got into bed, got all cozy under the covers then realized I hadn't taken a photo of the day!  I  dragged myself out of bed and knew I didn't have much to work with late at night.  I went outside and took a picture of some new little sprouts in one of my pots on the patio.  By using a high ISO (3200), a wide aperture (f/2.2), and a slow shutter speed (1/25th of a second),  I am able to capture this photo without a flash in a pretty dark area.  This photo is definitely not my best work, but this is as good as it gets from a half asleep photographer late at night...

Technical Info- ISO 3200, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/25